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We are pleased to announce some exciting news!

Holbrook Tree Service has recently joined forces with SavATree, one of the finest tree care companies in the industry, to ensure that your property will continue to receive expert, high quality care. The fit for you, my customers, was upper most in my mind.

We chose SavATree after a two year search, because they are the premier provider of tree, shrub and lawn care and have been entrusted with the care of many beautiful properties throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. They are one of the few companies in our area that are accredited by the Tree Care Industry Association.

Our extensive service offerings

Tree & Shrub Care Programs:

  • Organic Fertilization
  • Insect, mite and disease treatments
  • Pruning, cabling, bracing
  • Takedowns, stump routing
  • Tick treatments, deer repellent
  • Winterization and storm protection
  • Woodlot management

Lawn Care Programs:

  • Organic, hybrid, all-nutrient or integrated programs
  • Weed, insect and disease treatments
  • Core aeration & slice seeding